“Addresses” in Costa Rica

“Addresses” in Costa Rica Have you ever driven in Washington, DC?  You know how although there are streets going north-south and others going east-west, many others going diagonally interspersed with some making loops and circles.  Then there are countless landmarks, Read more…

My Fault, Really?

I was listening to a politician commenting on the recent mass shooting in  Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.  He stated that we are medicating our children too much with drugs for ADHD and depression, implying that is was an underlying Read more…

Full-Scale Flying Surfboard

Full-Scale Flying Surfboard (last updated 2/19/2018) I’ve had my small flying surfboard for many years.  It flies well and is a lot of fun.  I’ve been looking for new RC project to get psyched-up about and decided on making a Read more…

Flu, God, and Medical Math

Flu, God, and Medical Math Belief Systems People have certain trigger topics that upon hearing them initiate an automatic recall of not only a set of believed “facts” but a visceral set of associated feelings. Examples of this include God, religion, Read more…

PrEP and PEP to Prevent HIV

PrEP and PEP to Prevent HIV Definitions: PrEP = Pre-exposure Prophylaxis PEP = Post-exposure Prophylaxis PEP It seems that not so long ago there was post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV, but we didn’t have good data on it to confirm that Read more…

When Should a Vaccine be Considered “Effective”

When Should a Vaccine be Considered “Effective” I was just reviewing information on methods to prevent HIV infection.  In a recent trial of a candidate vaccine, it was found to have “only” 30% efficacy in preventing HIV infection (so it Read more…

Thirdhand Smoke

Thirdhand Smoke The toxicity and public health devastation caused by both directly smoking cigarettes and inhaling secondhand tobacco smoke are well established and generally accepted.  The role of thirdhand smoke is currently under study and its harmful role to our health Read more…

Fairfax County Public Library

Fairfax County Public Library Back on July 28, 2017, I did a review called “Hooked on Audiobooks” in which I pointed out many of the advantages of audiobooks and how great a resource your local public library can be as a Read more…

Green Killing Machine

Green Killing Machine This is a review of the Green Killing Machine UV sterilizer for aquariums.  My planted aquarium had been stable and crystal clear for over one year.  About 3 weeks ago the water became cloudy and then pea-soup Read more…