Relative Efficacy of Different Methods of Contraception

I was reviewing some information on menstrual irregularities and contraception and thought it would be helpful to point out a few things.  When choosing the best contraceptive method there are many factors to consider, but the first factor should be how effective it is.  After all, if it doesn’t work, what’s the point.  It is striking how much difference there is in the effectiveness of each method.

The following is a graphic from the CDC which briefly describes the various methods and their relative efficacies.  Click on the graphic to enlarge it.

CDC - Contraceptive Methods

In the past, there was more concern about using LARC (Long-Acting Reversible Contraception) in adolescents.  Over time and with improving products, this is no longer the case.  With their extremely high efficacy, minimal side effects, and relatively little need for intervention (like remembering to take a pill), they are considered “first-line” therapy in many cases.

Contraception Methods (CDC)



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